







Volume 24h:


What is a Hardware Wallet?

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Imagine holding a vault in your hand - a tiny, impenetrable fortress designed to guard your most prized digital treasures. Sounds intriguing, right? That's essentially what a hardware wallet is for your cryptocurrencies. But what makes them so special? Why are they considered the Fort Knox of crypto storage? Buckle up, because we're about to unravel the mystery of hardware wallets and explain why they might just be the guardian angel your digital assets have been waiting for.

The content of this article is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice. All views expressed are those of the author(s).

In this article, I will dive deep into the world of cryptocurrency security, explaining what a hardware wallet is and how it can help safeguard your valuable digital assets. If you’re already familiar with the mechanics of hardware wallets and are on the hunt for one, you might find our list of the best hardware wallet reviews more suited to your needs. For the ones that are not, gear up as we unravel the layers of what makes a hardware wallet tick 🚀

What is a hardware crypto wallet

A crypto hardware wallet also called a cold wallet, is a physical device that stores private keys offline on the device itself, which is never exposed to the internet, the private keys are used to sign the transactions you make. As a result, if a hacker gains access to a crypto user's computer or mobile phone, the hacker won't be able to steal the private keys from the hardware wallet or make unauthorized transactions even if the wallet connects with the infected computer or mobile.

Even if your hardware wallet is lost or stolen, your funds remain safe because the device does not store your cryptocurrency, it stores your private keys which are encrypted on the wallet device, so if you have stored your seed phrase securely you can still gain full access to your crypto assets through another hardware wallet.

If you want to learn more about how hardware wallets work, you can check out another article that I wrote on the subject "How Does a Hardware Wallet Work".

Please note that a hardware wallet merely stores access to your crypto, the crypto themselves are stored on their respective blockchains which means that a hardware wallet is only providing an interface showing what's actually on the blockchain.

Introduction to hardware wallets

Hardware wallets are designed differently, come in various shapes and sizes, and can look like anything from a USB stick, Powerbank, or Mobile Phone to a Credit Card. Hardware wallets are considered one of the most secure methods of accessing crypto, as their main purpose is to separate hackable devices from the private keys providing a very strong extra layer of protection against cyber-attacks, and hacking attempts.

When you want to receive or send crypto, you either connect your hardware wallet to a computer or mobile device and sign the transaction directly from the wallet using the device's built-in security features and provided software, some hardware wallets are completely "air-gapped" which means they use QR codes and does not even connect with a computer or mobile, making them even more secure.

Benefits of Using a Hardware Wallet

If you are serious about security, which I personally think you should be, especially if you hold large amounts of cryptocurrency, then a hardware wallet is the right choice. They offer several benefits over other types of cryptocurrency wallets, such as software-based hot wallets or holding them on a crypto exchange.

Below are some of the key benefits of using a hardware wallet.


One of the main advantages of hardware wallets is their high level of security. As we talked about earlier, hardware wallets store a user's private keys offline, making them less vulnerable to hacking attempts or malicious attacks. Private keys are encrypted and some hardware wallets store them on a secure and tamper-proof chip, which is protected by a PIN code or other security measures that make it hard to access your cryptocurrency if you do not know the access credentials.

Many hardware wallets also provide other security features, such as two-factor authentication (2FA), 25th self-chosen word, multi-signature, or hidden Wallets, These security features make it extremely hard for other people to access your wallet, even if you fall victim to a home robbery or the wallet gets stolen or lost, the wallet keys will remain secure if you take the necessary precautions, with these features, you can make it impossible to access the crypto from just one location, you could also create a honey pot with only a few thousands of dollars to fool the intruders/hackers to make them think that's what your worth.


The hardware wallets I know about are all non-custodial wallets. This means that the user's personal information and transaction history are not stored on a third-party server or in the cloud, where they could be vulnerable to hacking attempts, data breaches, or seizures by corrupt entities, governments, or corporations.

Hardware wallets are typically capable of generating new addresses for each transaction, which helps maintain anonymity and privacy. Using a new address for each transaction significantly increases transaction privacy, though it's not an absolute guarantee of anonymity, however, it does become way more difficult to track a user's transaction history and associate it with someone's identity, although not impossible.

It is in general a bad idea to think that you are anonymous when using cryptocurrency, if you are doing illegal activities on a public blockchain like Bitcoin's blockchain you are likely to get caught.

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Hardware wallets are a trustless solution, meaning that you do not need to rely on a third-party service or organization to store or use your digital assets. This eliminates the risk of a third-party service being hacked or going bankrupt, which could result in a total loss of your assets.

You verify transactions on the device itself, rather than relying on a third-party service to confirm the transaction. This helps ensure that the transaction is legitimate and has not been tampered with.


Hardware wallets provide you with full control over your digital assets and keep your private keys safe. You and you alone hold your private keys, which means that you have full ownership and control over your assets. This is in contrast to other types of wallets, such as custodial wallets, where a third-party service holds your private keys and controls access to your assets.

You can easily move your assets between different wallets, exchanges or services, giving you more flexibility and sovereignty over your crypto funds.

Drawbacks of Using a Hardware Wallet

Every crypto wallet, whether hardware or software, has unique features depending on the brand and model, although hardware wallets are often the go-to option for serious crypto users. However, like any other technology, hardware wallets have their own set of drawbacks that you should be aware of before making a purchase.


One of the biggest drawbacks of hardware wallets is their cost. Compared to software wallets, which are often free to use, hardware wallets can be quite expensive. Prices can range from $50 to several hundred dollars, depending on the brand and model. If you are just starting with cryptocurrency or you only hold small amounts, the cost of a hardware wallet may not be worth it.


Hardware wallets are by design much more secure than their software counterparts this in turn makes them a little less compatible with certain products, and services which can be frustrating if you want to use the hardware wallet with a specific platform that is not supported, or want to hold a very larger variety of cryptocurrencies.

You can easily send/receive cryptos so it won't be a problem to store funds with a hardware wallet and then send smaller amounts to another service or exchange that can interact with your platforms of choice.


Another potential drawback of hardware wallets is their capacity. As with every other hardware device that needs to install software, they are limited by their capacity, Most hardware wallets have a limited amount of storage space, which means that users may only be able to install certain amounts of wallets, to give an example a wallet with low capacity might only be able to install Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Monero, Tezos, IOTA and Hedera Hashgraph before running out of storage space. 


Hardware wallets can be less convenient than software wallets. Because hardware wallets are physical devices, you need to have them on hand to access your cryptocurrency. This can be very inconvenient for you if you want or need to make a transaction while being away from your hardware wallet. Most hardware wallets require some form of setup and configuration as well, which can be daunting if you are a less tech-savvy crypto user.


Ownership and autonomy over your digital assets remain entirely in your hands. Unlike custodial wallets, where third parties manage your private keys, hardware wallets give you complete authority, which also means if you lose your hardware wallet and haven't stored your seed phrase safely or simply can't access the seed phrase, well then you can't access your crypto.

Hardware wallets keep your crypto safe, so it is important you do your job of keeping the wallet and seed phrase secure.

Choosing the Right Hardware Wallet

When it comes to choosing a wallet, whether you're looking for the best cheap hard wallets or just the best hardware wallets with the most features, there are certain factors to consider, I have listed some for you to go through below:


A very important topic to consider when choosing a hardware wallet is how compatible it is both with other software but also with which assets it supports, not every type of cryptocurrency will be supported, so it's important to make sure that the wallet you choose supports the currencies you plan to use or HODL. Some popular hardware wallets, like the Ledger Nano X, support a broad range of cryptocurrencies, while the Trezor One only supports a more limited selection.

Ease of Use

One other important factor to consider is how easy a hardware wallet is to use. Hardware wallets are all designed to be secure, but as a result, they can also be a bit more complicated to use, especially in the beginning or for complete beginners. Look for a wallet that has a user-friendly interface and clear instructions on how to set it up and get going. Some wallets, like the Trezor Model T, have a touch screen and intuitive navigation.

Reputation and Reviews

When you want to invest in a hardware crypto wallet you would want to consider the reputation and find valid and real reviews of the wallet you're considering. You should look for a wallet that has a long and strong record of security and a happy community/user base. Read reviews from sources like Trustpilot or ScamAdviser, and visit their social media profiles to get a sense of what people in general feel/think about the project.

Keep in mind that no wallet is perfect, but a wallet with overwhelmingly positive reviews and a happy community is more likely to be a good choice.


In summary, a hardware wallet is a physical device that securely stores access to your cryptocurrencies by keeping the private keys offline. They provide a robust layer of security against online threats and give you full control over your assets. They only have a few drawbacks, such as cost and limited storage capacity, however, the benefits they offer in terms of security and control make them a worthy investment for anyone serious about safeguarding their crypto assets. Always be careful when choosing how to store your crypto and be wary of any potential cryptocurrency scams out there.

Frequently asked Questions

What does a hardware wallet do?
A hardware wallet is a physical device that securely stores a user's private keys offline. It allows users to send and receive cryptocurrencies without exposing their private keys to the internet, providing a more secure method of storage than software wallets.
What are the disadvantages of a hardware wallet?
Some disadvantages of hardware wallets include their cost (they can be more expensive than software wallets), potential compatibility issues with certain cryptocurrencies or platforms, limited storage capacity for multiple crypto wallets, and the need to physically have the device on hand for transactions.
What is the difference between a digital wallet and a hardware wallet?
A digital wallet (often referred to as a software wallet) is an online or software-based solution for storing cryptocurrency private keys. It's connected to the internet, making it more vulnerable to cyberattacks. A hardware wallet, on the other hand, is a physical device that stores private keys offline, providing enhanced security against online threats.
Should I put my crypto in a hardware wallet?
If you possess a significant amount of cryptocurrency or are concerned about the security of online platforms, a hardware wallet is a wise choice. It provides one of the most secure methods for storing cryptocurrencies due to its offline nature.
Do I really need a hardware wallet for crypto?
It depends on your individual needs. If you have a large amount of crypto, prioritize security, or plan to hold for the long term, a hardware wallet is recommended. However, for small amounts or if you frequently trade, a software wallet might be more convenient.
What happens if the hardware wallet breaks?
If a hardware wallet breaks or is damaged, the cryptocurrencies aren't lost. Most hardware wallets come with a recovery phrase (usually a series of words) during their setup. This phrase can be used to recover the funds on a new device.
Does my crypto still grow in a hardware wallet?
The value of your cryptocurrency is determined by the market, not where it's stored. So, while the coins or tokens are securely stored in a hardware wallet, their value can still fluctuate based on market conditions.
Do you lose your crypto if you lose your hardware wallet?
No, you don't lose your crypto if you lose the hardware device. As long as you have your recovery phrase, you can restore your funds on a new hardware device or even on certain software wallets.
Are hardware wallets 100% safe?
While hardware wallets provide a much higher level of security compared to software wallets, no system can be claimed to be 100% safe. However, risks with hardware wallets are usually related to physical theft, loss, or user error rather than cyberattacks.
Can crypto be stolen from a hardware wallet?
The design of hardware wallets makes it extremely difficult for hackers to steal funds. However, they aren't immune to all threats. For instance, if someone gains physical access to your wallet and knows your PIN, or if you fall victim to a phishing attempt and provide your recovery phrase, your funds can be compromised. It's always essential to follow security best practices.

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