







Volume 24h:



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What does Confirmation mean in crypto terms?

In the context of cryptocurrencies, 'confirmation' refers to the process by which transactions are validated and added to the blockchain. Confirmations provide a level of assurance that a transaction has been successfully included in the distributed ledger and is considered final.

When a transaction is initiated on a blockchain network, it enters a pool of unconfirmed transactions, also known as the mempool. Miners, who are responsible for validating and adding transactions to the blockchain, select transactions from the mempool and include them in a block. Once a transaction is included in a block, it is said to have received its first confirmation. This means that the transaction is considered valid and has been accepted by the network. Miners validate the transaction by solving complex mathematical problems and reach a consensus on its inclusion in the blockchain.

Additional blocks are subsequently added to the blockchain, with each block referencing the preceding block. As more blocks are added, the number of confirmations for a transaction increases. Each new block that is added to the blockchain containing the transaction increases its level of confirmation. The number of confirmations required for a transaction to be considered fully confirmed depends on the specific blockchain network and the level of security desired. Generally, the more confirmations a transaction has, the more secure and final it is considered.

In most cases, a transaction with multiple confirmations, such as six confirmations or more, is considered highly secure and irreversible. Confirmations provide protection against potential attacks, such as double-spending, where an individual tries to spend the same cryptocurrency multiple times. Each confirmation represents a block added to the blockchain, making it increasingly difficult to reverse or alter the transaction. Users and merchants often wait for a certain number of confirmations before considering a transaction as fully completed or accepting it as payment.

The number of required confirmations may vary depending on the level of risk tolerance or the value of the transaction. In summary, confirmation in the context of cryptocurrencies refers to the process by which transactions are validated and added to the blockchain. Each new block added to the blockchain increases the number of confirmations for a transaction, providing a higher level of security and finality. Confirmations protect against potential attacks and provide assurance to users that a transaction has been successfully included in the blockchain.

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