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Kaj pomeni izraz DAO v kripto izrazoslovju?

DAO, or Decentralized Autonomous Organization, refers to a type of organization or entity that operates through smart contracts on a blockchain, with decisions made collectively by its participants rather than a central authority. It leverages the principles of decentralization, transparency, and automation to enable more inclusive and democratic decision-making processes.

A DAO is essentially a digital entity that exists on a blockchain network, governed by a set of predefined rules and protocols encoded within smart contracts. These smart contracts automatically execute predefined actions based on the consensus of the participants.

The defining characteristic of a DAO is its decentralized nature. Traditional organizations have hierarchical structures with centralized decision-making authority, while a DAO operates in a peer-to-peer fashion, allowing participants to collectively make decisions and influence the organization's direction. DAOs typically have a token-based governance model, where participants hold tokens that represent their voting power or stake in the organization.

The voting mechanism allows participants to express their opinions and collectively decide on matters such as budget allocation, project funding, rule changes, or policy decisions. The transparency of blockchain technology ensures that all transactions, decisions, and voting outcomes within a DAO are publicly visible, providing accountability and reducing the potential for fraud or corruption.

Smart contracts automatically enforce the rules and facilitate the execution of decisions, removing the need for intermediaries or central authorities. DAOs have the potential to revolutionize various industries by enabling decentralized collaboration and decision-making. They can be used for crowdfunding initiatives, investment pools, community-driven projects, or the management of digital assets.

DAOs provide an inclusive and democratic framework for participants to engage, contribute, and shape the direction of the organization. However, it's important to note that DAOs are still an evolving concept, and their implementation comes with certain challenges. These challenges include ensuring effective governance, preventing malicious activities or exploits, addressing legal and regulatory considerations, and resolving conflicts within the decentralized decision-making process.

In summary, a DAO is a decentralized autonomous organization that operates through smart contracts on a blockchain. It allows participants to collectively make decisions and influence the organization's direction through a token-based governance model. DAOs leverage decentralization, transparency, and automation to enable inclusive and democratic decision-making processes. While the concept of DAOs holds significant potential, challenges remain in their implementation and governance.

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Raziščite druge kripto izraze


Konsenz, v kontekstu porazdeljenih sistemov, kot je blockchain, se nanaša na kolektivni dogovor med udeleženci glede veljavnosti in vrstnega reda transakcij ali sprememb v stanju sistema.

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Kriptovaluta se nanaša na digitalno ali virtualno obliko valute, ki temelji na kriptografskih tehnikah za varnost in deluje na decentraliziranih omrežjih imenovanih verižnice (blockchain).

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'Kripto' je okrajšava za 'kriptovaluta' ali 'kriptografska valuta.' Označuje digitalne ali virtualne valute, ki za varnost uporabljajo kriptografijo in delujejo na decentraliziranih omrežjih imenovanih verige blokov.

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V kontekstu finančnih trgov se 'popravek' nanaša na začasno obratno gibanje ali prilagoditev cene sredstva ali trga, ki ga vrne nazaj v skladu s svojo temeljno vrednostjo.

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DApp, kratica za decentralizirano aplikacijo, se nanaša na aplikacijo, ki deluje na decentraliziranem omrežju, običajno na verižnici (blockchain).

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DeFi, kratica za decentralizirano finance, se nanaša na hitro rastoče gibanje in ekosistem, ki si prizadeva ponovno ustvariti tradicionalne finančne sisteme in storitve z uporabo decentraliziranih tehnologij, še posebej verižnice (blockchain) in pametne pogodbe.

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DEX, kratica za decentralizirano borzo, se nanaša na vrsto kriptovalutne borze, ki deluje na decentraliziranem omrežju, običajno s pomočjo tehnologije verižnice (blockchain).

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V kripto prostoru so dohodki koncept, ki se manj pogosto povezuje s kriptovalutami v primerjavi s tradicionalnimi delnicami.

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